Raipur: The Enforcement Directorate (ED) on Friday claimed that Chhattisgarh Chief Minister Bhupesh Baghel has so far received Rs 508 crore from the promoters of the Mahadev betting app. The ED made this claim based on an ongoing investigation and the interception of a cash courier identified as Asim Das, who was allegedly sent from the United Arab Emirates (UAE) with the specific mission of delivering a significant sum of cash. A total of Rs 5.39 crore was seized from Das, both from his vehicle and his residence.

CM Baghel in his first reaction to the claim wrote on X, “As I have said earlier, Bharatiya Janata Party wants to contest Chhattisgarh elections with the help of agencies like ED, IT, DRI and CBI. Just before the elections, ED has made the most malicious attempt to tarnish my image”.

The ED’s claim is a serious one, and if it is proven to be true, it will have major implications for Baghel and his government. The ED is a central agency that is responsible for investigating financial crimes, including money laundering. If the ED is able to establish that Baghel received money from the promoters of a betting app, it could be seen as evidence of corruption and financial wrongdoing.

The ED’s investigation is still ongoing, and it is too early to say what the final outcome will be. However, the agency’s claim that Baghel has received Rs 508 crore from the promoters of the Mahadev betting app is a significant development. If the claim is proven to be true, it could have a major impact on Baghel’s political career and on the reputation of his government.

ED is currently probing the Mahadev Book App for money laundering and the Fairplay App is connected to it as it was promoted by Sourabh Chandrakar and Ravi Uppal.

Earlier on October 4, 2023, ED summoned Bollywood actor Ranbir Kapoor regarding his involvement with the Mahadev betting app case. He had to appear before the ED on October 6th. Ranbir Kapoor had been endorsing the betting app, leading to his summons as part of the investigation. Later on October 31, ED summoned Bollywood rapper Badshah for investigation in the same case.