Mumbai: Recently, Mukesh Ambani, the chairman of Reliance Industries, received an email that mentioned a demand for ₹20 crore. The sender, who identified themselves as Shadab Khan, warned of consequences if the money was not paid. The message, sent on October 27th, stated that failure to comply would result in harm or even death since they claimed to have access to gunmen in India.

As soon as security personnel at Ambani Mumbai residence, known as Antilia, discovered the threat in the email, they promptly reported it to the police. Consequently, a case was filed under sections of the Indian Penal Code dealing with extortion induced by fear and criminal intimidation. Law enforcement authorities are actively pursuing a manhunt to locate and apprehend the individual responsible for sending this email.

It is unfortunate that this is not the time Ambani has faced threats. In an incident year, Mumbai Police arrested an anonymous caller from Bihar who had made threatening phone calls specifically targeting Ambani and his family. The caller had explicitly mentioned plans to cause harm by targeting both the HN Reliance Foundation Hospital and their residential property known as ‘Antilia’ located in south Mumbai.

Furthermore, there was another incident this year when an SUV filled with explosives was discovered near Ambani’s residence in Mumbai. The SUV’s owner, a businessman named Hiran, was discovered deceased in a creek located in Thane, a district.

The recent incident involving Mukesh Ambani serves as a reminder of the security obstacles that prominent individuals in India encounter and the need for constant vigilance to safeguard their well being. Law enforcement agencies remain dedicated to addressing such threats and ensuring the security of prominent figures in the country.

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