New Delhi: According to the Delhi Police, a 16-year-old boy, who was recently released from an observation home, is being accused of stabbing a 29-year-old man in Nabi Karim, central Delhi, early on Friday. The juvenile is alleged to have committed the crime as an act of revenge due to humiliation and theft of a hundred rupees by the victim named Amit Kumar two days before the murder occurred. The incident took place in the hours of Friday when the boy and an adult accomplice cornered Kumar in Multani Dhandas bylanes and carried out the stabbing.

Following the incident, the boy immediately went to the police station. Turned himself in. The Delhi Police has filed a murder case against him while his adult associate remains at large. Law enforcement officers have recovered a knife believed to be the murder weapon, along with blood-stained clothes belonging to the boy at the crime scene.

A week prior to this murder, the boy had been released from a home where he had spent months due to his involvement in an attempted murder case. The identity and age of his adult accomplice will be determined once apprehended.

The victim Amit Kumar was a resident of Deoria, in Uttar Pradesh and had criminal cases registered against him. He used to go to Nabi Karim while taking care of the matters for different criminal cases filed against him in Delhi.

According to information from the National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB) minors were found to be implicated in more than seven crimes each day in Delhi from 2019 to 2021. During this period, Delhi reported 7,881 crimes in which minors were involved, accounting for 8.5% of all crimes committed by minors in India.

The case highlights the complex challenges of addressing juvenile crime, reintegration into society, and the need for effective rehabilitation and support systems to prevent reoffending.

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