Amroha: A devastating incident in Amroha, Uttar Pradesh, has led to the demise of a known leader from the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), Sarita Singh. The unfortunate event occurred when her car was hit by a truck in the Naugawan Sadat area. According to reports from IANS, Sarita Singh was on her way to Moradabad from Noorpur when the collision took place. The impact resulted in a car fire that caused burns.

Law enforcement authorities swiftly responded to the scene. Made every effort to rush the injured BJP leader to the district hospital. Despite their attempts, doctors at the hospital pronounced her as brought dead.

As per IANS reports, a case has been filed against the truck driver who was involved in this accident. Police investigations revealed that Sarita Singh was traveling alone in her vehicle and driving late at night when this tragic incident occurred.

The collision had consequences leading to a fire that caused damage to the car. Unfortunately, Sarita Singh became trapped in the flames and suffered burns. Fortunately, police were able to establish her identity through a phone call made on her device.

An FIR (First Information Report) has been filed by CO Anjali Kataria regarding the incident. The authorities are currently making efforts to identify the truck driver who’s accountable. This regrettable event serves as a reminder of the hazards on our roads and emphasizes the significance of implementing road safety measures. Sarita Singh’s untimely passing is a profound loss to her community and the BJP.

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