A notable update has been announced regarding the security level of India’s Union External Affairs Minister S Jaishankar. According to sources, within the Union Home Ministry, his security cover has been significantly upgraded to the ‘Z’ category surpassing his previous ‘Y’ category.

This decision to enhance the security detail to the tier was reportedly influenced by a threat assessment provided by the Intelligence Bureau (IB), which identified potential security risks that warranted such measures. Under the ‘Z’ category security cover, there will be an increased presence of security personnel and precautions taken to ensure the minister’s safety against threats and vulnerabilities.

This move highlights the government’s dedication to safeguarding figures, especially those in prominent roles such as the Union External Affairs Minister. Security upgrades like these are typically implemented in response to perceived security threats, intelligence reports, or other factors that require heightened measures.

S Jaishankar holds influence in politics and has played a crucial role in shaping the country’s foreign relations and diplomacy. The work done by the External Affairs Minister has had impacts, and the increased security measures demonstrate the government’s commitment to protecting leaders who play a crucial role in shaping India’s international relations and diplomacy.

The implementation of the ‘Z’ category security cover highlights the changing nature of security arrangements, which are adjusted based on emerging security concerns and intelligence assessments. This action serves as a reminder of the evolving security landscape.