The awaited third part of the Fukrey series titled “Fukrey 3 ” hit theatres on Thursday and had an impressive start at the box office. Industry trackers reported that the film earned Rs 8.50 crore on its opening day. This achievement is particularly noteworthy as “Fukrey 3” was released during the period when Shah Rukh Khan’s movie “Jawan” was dominating the box office.
When comparing the performance of “Fukrey 3” with its instalments, the second part, “Fukrey Returns “, released in 2017, collected Rs 8.10 crore on its opening day. Went on to accumulate a total of Rs 80.32 crore during its theatrical run. In contrast, the original “Fukrey,” released in 2013, managed to earn a total of Rs 36.5 crore at the box office.
Interestingly “Fukrey 3” shared its release date with Vivek Agnihotri’s movie “The Vaccine War.” However, despite expectations of competition, between these two films, “The Vaccine War” only managed to earn Rs 1.3 crore on its opening day.
Meanwhile, Shah Rukh Khan’s movie “Jawan,” which has been dominating the box office since its release this month, continues to maintain performance. Despite the availability of a ‘buy 1 get 1’ ticket offer, the movie “Jawan” managed to earn Rs 5.50 crore on its day in theaters. This brings its collection to a remarkable Rs 581.43 crore.
In general “Fukrey 3” seems to have gained attention and achieved success at the box office, indicating its popularity among viewers and making a debut during its theatrical run.