West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee and Trinamool Congress national general secretary Abhishek Banerjee have taken a step in connecting with the public by launching their WhatsApp channel in Kolkata. The objective is to engage with the people through means and keep them informed about the developmental projects and initiatives undertaken by the state government.

In one hour since its launch, the WhatsApp channel has already garnered over 3,000 subscribers. This initiative follows the success of Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s WhatsApp channel, which boasts a subscriber base exceeding five million, leading the PM to express his gratitude towards his followers.

The endeavor led by Mamata Banerjee and Abhishek Banerjee aims to counteract the portrayal of the state government and ruling party often perpetuated by a section of media outlets. These media sources tend to overlook highlighting development projects that have been successfully implemented at a level benefiting numerous individuals across the state.

A member of the state cabinet stressed addressing this issue by providing information about these projects to ordinary citizens through their WhatsApp channel. The vision is for messages and updates from the minister to be directly sent to the phones of those who follow their channel.

The West Bengal government is taking a stance to improve communication with the public and enhance transparency. They aim to create awareness about their initiatives and accomplishments at the level.