Reportedly a shocking and distressing incident unfolded in Vijay Nagar locality Uttar Pradesh, on a Sunday, leaving both residents and authorities in disbelief. As per the police reports, a woman named Kalpana Chaturvedi had an experience while innocently walking her pet dog.

The distressing series of events began with an argument between Kalpana and Arvind Verma Bhullan, a lawyer by profession. During the altercation, Bhullan allegedly hurled language. He made menacing threats towards Kalpana. The situation took a turn when Bhullan supposedly resorted to using a firearm. Tragically he discharged the weapon resulting in the demise of Kalpana’s canine companion.

Remarkably amidst the chaos and imminent danger, Kalpana miraculously managed to escape any harm preserving her life. Promptly responding to this horrifying incident, law enforcement swiftly took action by filing a First Information Report (FIR). Arvind Verma Bhullan is facing charges under IPC 307 for “attempt to murder” as other applicable sections of the law.

Sanjay Maurya, who is in charge of the City police station, acknowledged the seriousness of the situation and promptly initiated legal proceedings. The situation has caused a lot of surprise and anger among the people living here. It really highlights the need to resolve conflicts peacefully and prioritize the safety and welfare of everyone in our society.