New Delhi: Delhi Chief Minister, Arvind Kejriwal has given his approval, for a payment of Rs 1 crore to be provided to the families of 17 employees who tragically lost their lives while serving on the frontlines during the challenging COVID-19 pandemic.

In a statement, Kejriwal expressed his gratitude for the unwavering service rendered by these individuals to the people of Delhi. While recognizing that no amount of compensation can truly replace a life, he hoped that this financial assistance would bring some solace to the grieving families.

The decision to extend this payment was made after a meeting of the Group of Ministers (GoM), which recommended providing Rs 1 crore each to the families of these courageous ‘corona warriors who sacrificed their lives in service.

This initiative aims to offer security to the families of those individuals who were assigned COVID-19 duties and unfortunately succumbed to the virus. It includes doctors and paramedical staff working in government healthcare facilities involved in treating COVID-19 patients. Additionally, doctors and paramedical staff working in government hospitals designated as COVID-19 facilities or whose beds were officially requisitioned by the government for managing COVID-19 cases are also considered part of these frontline workers entitled to benefits, under this scheme.

A reward of Rs 1 crore will be given to the families of COVID-19 heroes, such, as doctors, paramedical staff, healthcare workers, and frontline workers who made sacrifices while serving the people during the pandemic.