As Shah Rukh Khan’s action-packed blockbuster film “Jawan” enters its week of running in theatres, it continues to perform at the box office despite an expected drop in earnings. On its day, which fell on Thursday, “Jawan” managed to earn Rs 8.85 crore bringing its box office collection to an astounding Rs 526.73 crore. This accomplishment now places “Jawan” as the grossing film of the year, trailing only behind “Pathaan,” which has earned Rs 543.05 crore throughout its theatrical run.

It’s worth noting that “Jawan” has surpassed Sunny Deol’s film “Gadar 2 “, which had collected Rs 521.15 crore over a period of 41 days, securing the position on the all-time grossing film list.

According to industry analysts on Thursday, “Jawan” maintained an occupancy rate of 14.94% in the Hindi market. In Telugu-speaking states, the film performed better, with an occupancy rate of 15.59%, while in the Tamil market, it recorded an occupancy rate of 14.94%.

What makes “Jawan” stand out is not only its record-breaking performance but also how quickly it has achieved these milestones. The movie has quickly joined the Rs 100 crore, 200 crore, 300 crore, 400 crore and 500 crore clubs. At the end of its week, “Pathaan” managed to accumulate Rs 458.9 crore, which falls short by Rs 67.83 crore compared to the earnings of “Jawan” during the same period.