Shah Rukh Khan’s blockbuster film ‘Jawan’ has been rewriting box office records since its release on September 7th. The movie has amassed a sum of over Rs 518 crore at the domestic box office. Continues to attract audiences to theaters. On a scale, ‘Jawan’ has already surpassed the milestone of Rs 900 crore and is now aiming for the coveted Rs 1,000 crore mark.

‘Jawan’ made its anticipated debut in cinemas on September 7th, generating excitement among fans and critics alike. Since its premiere, this film starring SRK has been making waves at the box office. In fact, it started by earning Rs 129.06 crore worldwide on its opening day, marking a historic achievement in Hindi cinema.

According to trade reports, on its 10th day (September 20th), ‘Jawan’ added another Rs 10 crore to its collection at the Indian box office, bringing the total within India to Rs 518.28 crore. The film is now steadily progressing towards reaching the milestone of Rs 550 crores within India.

At the time, globally, ‘Jawan’ has already exceeded the amount of Rs 900 crore, collecting a remarkable total of Rs 907.54 crore in just two weeks. With its performance, ‘Jawan’ is now on the verge of joining the prestigious group of movies that have earned Rs 1,000 crore at the international box office.