Kishtwar: On Monday, the police in Kishtwar district of Jammu and Kashmir arrested three individuals who are suspected of having connections with a banned organization. These individuals, Touseef ul Nabi, Zahoor ul Hassan, and Reyaz Ahmad, were taken into custody under the Public Safety Act (PSA), a law that allows detention without charges or trial for up to two years in cases as recommended by the police.
Khalil Poswal, the Senior Superintendent of Police (SSP) in Kishtwar, described these detained individuals as “operatives who have been involved in cases registered across various police stations. The decision to employ the PSA against them was made due to their alleged participation in activities against their interests and their alleged involvement in influencing youth to join banned terrorist organizations.
The operation to apprehend these three individuals was conducted meticulously with PSA orders obtained from the body. Multiple teams were. The suspects were arrested from locations within Kishtwar. Subsequently, they were placed in facilities within the Jammu province.
SSP Khalil Poswal emphasized that the police are implementing a strategy to address the presence of elements posing a threat to security within the region.
As part of this strategy, they will organize initiatives throughout the district to discourage people from engaging in illegal activities. At the time, they will take measures, against individuals who advocate anti-national or anti-social causes with the primary goal of safeguarding the publics safety and welfare.