Moscow: China’s Foreign Minister Wang Yi recently held discussions with Sergey Lavrov, the Foreign Minister of Russia in Moscow. This meeting highlighted the increasing closeness between China and Russia amidst rising tensions with countries over the Ukraine conflict and heightened military activities in the Pacific region.

During their conversation, Wang Yi praised the ” cooperation” between China and Russia, emphasising their shared commitment to promoting a balanced global order and working towards a more equitable world. He emphasised the responsibility that China and Russia hold as global powers and permanent members of the UN Security Council in maintaining global strategic stability and fostering global development.

This visit to Moscow closely follows Wang’s talks with Jake Sullivan, who serves as National Security Adviser to President Joe Biden of the United States. Sino-U.S. Relations have faced challenges in years due to various disputes ranging from trade issues to concerns about China’s perceived military threat towards Taiwan.

During his stay in Russia, China’s top diplomat intends to participate in security consultations with officials, as announced by the Chinese foreign ministry. Sergey Lavrov, the Foreign Minister of Russia, highlighted the importance of cooperation between Russia and China in maintaining fairness on a scale and finding a balance in different ongoing developments.

Lavrov and Wang Yi expressed their desire to collaborate closely during the United Nations General Assembly and other global conferences reaffirming their dedication to a world with centres of power and a fairer international system.