Vaccine-Update: Russian developers of the Sputnik V vaccine on Thursday said that their single-dose Sputnik Light vaccine demonstrated 79.4 percent efficacy against the COVID-19 and it has proven effective against all new strains of coronavirus. 

 According to the Russian Direct Investment Fund (RDIF), Sputnik Light is the first component (recombinant human adenovirus serotype number 26 (rAd26)) of the Sputnik V coronavirus vaccine. 

The RDIF issued an official statement quoting the efficacy of the vaccine in 79.4% administrations. Around 80% efficacy is expected after two doses of the vaccine.

 “Sputnik Light has proven effective against all new strains of coronavirus, as demonstrated by the Gamaleya Centre, during laboratory tests,” the statement added. 

 The efficacy rate was calculated based on data obtained from Russians vaccinated with a single injection, having not received the second one during the mass vaccination programme between December 5 and April 15. 

The CEO of RDIF Kirill Dmitriev said,” The Sputnik Light vaccine significantly reduces the possibility of severe cases leading to hospitalization, with only one injection needed. The single dose regimen solves the challenge of immunizing large groups in a shorter time, which is especially important during the acute phase of the spread of coronavirus, achieving herd immunity faster.”

 On February 21, the Gamaleya Centre and RDIF launched a global efficacy study of Sputnik Light. The Phase III clinical study involving 7,000 people was conducted in multiple countries including Russia, the UAE and Ghana.