New Delhi: The Ministry of Health recorded 3,980 COVD linked deaths in the past 24 hours, accounting for the highest mortalities so far. Nearly 4.12 lakh infections were reported across the country in a single day.

Assam, West Bengal, Odisha, Bihar, and Jharkhand, report a drastic rise in its trajectory. According to the Union Health Ministry, the virus is now moving eastwards.   According to the Centre, twelve states, including Maharashtra, Karnataka, Kerala, and Uttar Pradesh, present more than a lakh active COVID-19 cases each. Thirty districts are showing a continued rise in the number of cases for the past two weeks. Ten of these are in Kerala, seven in Andhra Pradesh, three in Karnataka, and one in Tamil Nadu. 

Maharashtra recorded 920 deaths and 57,000 new cases.  While Karnataka followed, reporting 50,112 infections as a single day rise.

The WHO on Wednesday citing the resurgence in India reported that the country was responsible for 46% of global cases and 25% of global deaths in the past week. UNICEF Executive Director Henrietta Fore said on Tuesday,” Unless the world steps up and helps India now, there will be reverberations across the region and the world in terms of virus-related deaths, virus mutations and supply delays.” On Tuesday, K Vijay Raghavan, the government’s principal scientific advisor in a media conference warned India of the third wave saying, ” Phase 3 is inevitable given the high levels of circulating virus. But it is not clear on what timescale this phase 3 will occur. We should prepare for new waves.”

Reporting cases beyond 3 lakhs from the past few weeks; India has set grim records in the history of Coronavirus.