New Delhi: On Monday late night, Dubai sent the token of help to India with 6 containers of cryogenic oxygen. The IAF C-17 aircraft was used to airlift these containers from Dubai airport. These are then landed at Panagarh airbase in west Bengal.

Not only the IAF aircraft are operating in picking up oxygen cylinders from other countries but they are also actively doing the work within country limits.

Last week the IAF aircrafts performed similar operations and picked oxygen cylinders from Singapore and addressed them to Panagarh base camp. From here, the containers will be transported to different covid centres that have a shortage of oxygen supply, either by road or by rail.

Our PM Narendra Modi is personally advocating the oxygen transportation and airlifting by IAF and has been briefed by General Bipin Rawat, the chief of defense staff, about the operation details.

Apart from international operations, the IAF aircraft are functioning from Gwalior to Ranchi and from Indore to Jamnagar. They are gradually operating for dispersion of the oxygen cylinders from the base camps to the needed areas. In a time where the country is suffering from such a high spike in covid cases, it is a sigh of relief that overseas help is coming in the way of India.