Islamabad: Pakistan has been experiencing riots over a French blasphemy incident for the past few weeks. Police officers in Pakistan were killed and taken hostage during the riots. Not only that, the French embassy has asked its citizens to immediately leave Pakistan amidst the rise in the cases of attacks on them following the riots. 

When French President Emmanuel Macron backed the caricature incident, Pak PM took up a crusade and accused Macron of insulting the religion of Islam. He also used this opportunity to address the UN and raised a question against the western countries to lambast them. But somehow, the whole incident backfired against him and the Pak province has been burning for the last few weeks. 

Amir Rana, the security analyst of the country said, “I think the prime minister has realized that appeasing the radical forces isn’t an easy task because when you try to please them they demand more and more”. He further added, “So far he has failed to maintain the balance”.

Mosharaf Zaidi, a Pakistani political analyst said, “No Pakistani politician or military dictator has or is going to challenge the idea that the honor and the sanctity of Islam and the prophet, and his person, in particular, are not important to them”. For now, the situation is quite violent in our neighboring country.