India: New Delhi caseload analysis reported strains of the COVID virus in India with “double mutations”. The Union Health Ministry vacillates this mutation responsible for the quick spread. 

Data analysed from Maharashtra, Delhi, West Bengal, Gujrat, Karnataka, and Madhya Pradesh report mutants’ role in the rapid rise.  However, it cannot be said that double mutants are 100 percent responsible for the rise in cases, sources in the ministry said. This double variant was last week classified as the “B.1.617” variant.

What is the B.1.617?

The B.1.617 variant of SARS-CoV-2 carries two mutations, E484Q and L452R. Both are separately found in many other coronavirus variants, but they have been reported together for the first time in India. The L452R strain is found in California in the United States and the E484Q strain is indigenous. 

Nearly 14,000 samples were subjected to genome sequencing after which officials discovered the double mutations. Effectivity of the vaccine, severity of infections, and re-infection are being researched. Sources reveal Delhi has a mix of UK strain as well as double mutant strain. Punjab reported 80 percent cases while Maharashtra speculates 60 percent of its caseload as a result of the double mutant.

The Health Ministry is circulating the information across the state health departments to prepare an action plan accordingly. Nearly, 18 to 19 states in the country, have reported UK strain of the coronavirus, sources said. The presence of the South African and the Brazilian variants is limited to fewer districts.