On Monday, after four years of the tragedy, the government of Balochistan paid compensation to the Gadani oil tanker fire blast victims. The News International reported that the heirs of the victims get compensation of Pakistani Rs 500,000. A ceremony was held in which twenty-one families mostly from Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa and also from Punjab received the cheque.

On November 1, 2016, a fire ripped through a decommissioned oil tanker in the Gadani Ship-Breaking Yard. Fifty people were injured in the blast and twenty-nine were killed. The incident is considered one of the deadliest industrial disasters.

For three days, the fire raged and the bodies of four victims were never found. A report stated that the government has not yet fulfilled its promise to provide a hospital to the workers who travel 50 kilometers to Karachi to seek help in emergencies.

Bashir Mehmoodani, Union President of the Gadani Ship-Breaking Workers said, “In March, we had an incident in which two workers were killed and as many were injured. Since there was no facility in the area to treat the injured, they were rushed to Karachi for treatment where one died”. He urged the Government to provide a hospital so that the injured could be given first aid immediately.