Mumbai: The migrant workers fell into the trap of the lockdown with no escape in the last year. This year also, Maharashtra is fighting a battle with Covid-19. The fear of another lockdown is driving many migrant workers of Nashik back to their hometowns in UP, Bihar, Madhya Pradesh, and Bengal. The workers mainly work in various restaurants, industrial units, and construction sites. They have already started to move with their families back to their hometowns.

A cook in a Nashik restaurant, Roshan Kumar Singh, has come from Kanpur in UP. He has started his journey back home with his family and few others. He said, “My brother is staying back. I am taking his and my family members back home. If there is a lockdown, here again, we will be in deep trouble”.

The workers of Nashik are also aware that their employers will not be able to provide them with food and shelter this time. The employers who are running small businesses are not in a position to support the workers. Amit Das, a restaurant worker from WB said, “During the previous lockdown, my employer arranged food and shelter for my family till train services resumed. This time, he asked me to leave early as even he has taken a big hit already due to restricted business days. I understand his problem and am, therefore, leaving”.