Dhaka: A major report stated that a teenager in Bangladesh has been arrested for making an offensive video of PM Modi and Sheikh Hasina. The name of the teen is Rabiul Islam, 19, and he was arrested in the Northern town.

The arrest was based on a complaint by a pro-government youth leader. Under the stringent Digital Security Act, the complaint was made.

Abdullah Al-Mamun, the local police chief said, “He made an offensive music video using photos of Bangladeshi and Indian Prime Ministers and posted it on his Facebook timeline”. Under the said act, Islam will face up to 14 years in prison and is also expected to be charged with “defaming and tarnishing the image of the head of government”.

There was a large-scale protest against PM Modi’s visit to Bangladesh. Many people were killed in the clashes and the Hindu temples were also attacked by the radical groups. The Islamists groups accused Modi of discriminating against the minority Muslims in Hindu-majority India.

Widespread protests took place in March also over the death of writer Mushtaq Ahmed in detention, who was arrested under the DSA act for writing an article against Hasina’s handling of the global pandemic.