Gariaband: The second wave of coronavirus hits hard everywhere in the country. Talking about Chhattisgarh, This is been reported that Virus has reached the district administration as well. Reports flourish that two officers from Gariaband Collector’s office have been tested positive.

In Gariaband district, 35 cases were recorded in the past 24 hours. These include two senior government officers, policemen and leaders. In view of the growing transition, collector Nilesh Sheer Sagar issued an order suspending the activities of the district office for the next 48 hours.

More than 500 officers and employees to be tested

The collector’s office will be shut down for 48 hours. The SP joint office along with the collector’s office will be shut. Currently more than 500 employees are appointed in the office. Samples of all the officers will be collected for testing. In the meanwhile, the offices will be sanitized.