Bhopal: Shivraj Singh administration has announced to extend the Sunday lockdown strategy to four other districts of the state. Betul, Chhindwara, Ratlam, and Khargone districts of Madhya Pradesh will face a curfew on Sunday in the purview of rising infections. 

Chief Minister Shivraj Singh Chauhan declared the lockdown to begin at 10 pm on Saturday and end at 6 am on Monday. Indore, Bhopal, and Jabalpur are already ordered to impose a curfew on Sunday. 

Regulations imposed across the state 

In areas reporting not more than 20 cases daily and weekly, 50 attendants’ allowance is issued for a mange ceremony and only 20 for funerals.

Swimming pools, gyms, and cinema halls are ordered to shut down. Eateries will only serve to take away in such districts and public hall capacities are limited to 50 only. All social and public programs on Holi in Madhya Pradesh are cancelled. Similarly, there will be no public program on Shab-e-Baraat.

 Inspection at the ground-level

After the cabinet meeting, Urban Administration Minister Bhupendra Singh said,” the cabinet has decided to take strict steps in the view of the increasing cases of corona infections.” The steps include the legalization of 6000 colonies across the country as well upliftment of their amenities. The cabinet has also decided to charge the colonizer with a sentence of seven years and a fine of up to Rs 10 lakh along with his property seized.  Action against other responsible officials is also ordered. 

 Crisis management meetings will be held in all districts before the festival to take decisions at its level.