World: Saudi Arabia has restricted its citizens from setting up marriage alliances with women from Pakistan, Bangladesh, Chad, and Myanmar. Sources reveal an unofficial figure of 5,00,000 women from four of these countries currently residing in the kingdom.

Makkah Police Director Major General Assaf Al-Qureshi, says,” Saudi men wishing to marry foreigners now face tougher regulations.” He reports that men wishing to marry foreign ladies will have to obtain the consent of the government and submit marriage applications through official channels.

These amendments were made in order to restrict Saudi men from marrying foreigners. The law requires the applicant to be over 25 years and attach identification documents signed by the local district mayor as well as all other identity papers, including a copy of his family card.

A divorced man will not be given permission within 6 months of the separation. And if the applicant is already married, he is ordered to submit a medical report stating his wife’s sterility or chronic illness.