World: An official conversation between Joe Biden and the Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia is expected as the former administration decides to release a declassified intelligence assessment that will reportedly name the royal’s son and heir as complicit in the grisly murder of Jamal Khashoggi. 

The report builds as per information from the CIA and other intelligence agencies, after Khashoggi’s extinction in October 2018 in the premises of the Saudi Consulate in Istanbul.

The decision to release the report, reflects the Biden administration’s determination to recalibrate relations with Saudi Arabia, the world’s largest oil exporter, amid tensions over its human rights record. The President also discussed concerns about regional security and the renewed U.s and UN efforts to end the war in Yemen. A statement of the White House Representative said,” he affirmed the importance the United States places on universal human rights and the rule of law.”

The Crown Prince denies involvement in the crime and accepts symbolic responsibility for it as the country’s de facto ruler. Officials from the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia reveal the murder was carried by rogue agents who have since been prosecuted.

Former President Donald Trump dismissed concerns about whether the crown prince approved the killing — “Maybe he did, maybe he didn’t,” he said — citing the economic rewards of selling arms to the Saudis. His secretary of state, Michael Pompeo, said the U.S. had “no direct evidence” linking the prince to the murder.

Along with the US intelligence report another UN Investigator also claims Khashoggi was the victim of a ‘ state killing ‘which brings MBS on the cards.