Washington: New President Joe Biden abrogated a pronunciamento by the former president on Wednesday. The former President has blocked many green card applicants from entering the US.

The ban issued last year was justified saying the US workers needed protection and high unemployment due to COVID Pandemic had developed financial pressure in the community. Biden rejected the reasoning for the proclamation and annulled the visa ban.

The Democratic President said that the law prevented families from reuniting in the US which also affected the economy of the country. He has pledged to reverse all hard-line immigration policies imposed during the tenure of the former president. 

A California based immigration attorney said,” it’s a backlog that Trump created, He broke the immigration system.” According to him, Biden will now have to tackle all the backlogs created due to holding the applications for months due to the pandemic shut down.

He said, ” the process could potentially take years.” The State Department officials weren’t available for the response.