New Delhi: Announcing the event of discussion via video conferencing with CMs of major states, the PM’s office had earlier tweeted “At 4 PM on Monday 11th January, PM Narendra Modi will interact with Chief Ministers of all states via video conferencing. They will discuss the Covid-19 situation and the vaccination rollout”.

The meeting was held today where the health minister, doctors and other ministers of the states joined in, to discuss the surging covid cases in the country and how to control it.

Maharashtra, Kerala, MP, Punjab, and Chhattisgarh are amongst the states that reported numerous fresh cases in the last few weeks. Not only that, genome sequencing of affected individuals has been sent for testing to find out the variant of the virus. 

In the above-mentioned states, lockdown norms have become strict again. Maharashtra has imposed phase 2 of lockdown and several other states are following suit.

It is disheartening that even after the rollout of the covid vaccine the nation is seeing a surge in covid cases. According to data revealed by the government, as of now, there are almost 1.5 lakh active covid cases in the country. Hope a proper solution comes out of the meeting held at the PM’s office today.