Chhattisgarh is automobile driven this year. In comparison to last year’s sale. The State has recorded a sale spurt in January this year.

Chhattisgarh reported a sale of 4532 cars last year which has now grown to 4644, exceeding the sale in December last year.

Despite the led back economy due to COVID-19 crisis, the state is insulated from its impact. The automobile sector of the state has registered a marked growth post-COVID-19.

The schemes implemented by the State Government under the leadership of Chief Minister Shri Bhupesh Baghel to strengthen the rural economy as well as to increase the income of farmers and forest dwellers have been continuing in the markets.

The government procured a profit of more than 93 lakh metric tonnes of paddy this year.  An average of 19 lakh farmers are being benefited under the Rajiv Gandhi Kisan Nyaya with the assistance of 5750 crores with a value of Rs.10,000 per acre. Under the scheme, the Government had decided to repay the assistance in four instalments, which will be paid as Rs. 4500 crores in three instalments.

More than 35 lakh quintals of dung have been procured by the government under the Godhan Nyaya Yojana, about Rs.72 crores have been paid to the farmers. Under the Suraji Village scheme, the construction of 9050 shelters is proposed. These shelters are being developed as livelihood centres, where income-generating activities will be carried out.

The small forest produces collected during the COVID-19 crisis, have also formed a source of income. Almost 73% of the forest produce is sold at an increased price.

The state also provided employment to 26 lakh people under the Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme.
