World: According to a report by the UN, North Korea and Iran resumed liaison on the development of long-range missiles in 2020. It also confirmed Pyongyang continues to violate various nuclear resolutions.

A yearly report, produced by an independent panel of the UN experts, was submitted to the Security Council on Monday.

The report revealed Tehran’s denial of any missile cooperation with North Korea. But an anonymous pointer from the report reveals North Korea and Iran “have resumed co-operation on long-range missile development projects.”

Iran released a statement in December 2021 stating, “preliminary review of the information provided to us by the (experts) indicates that false information and fabricated data may have been used in investigations and analyses.” 

An assessment revealed “Pyongyang” maintained and developed its nuclear and ballistic missile programs, in violation of UN Security Council resolutions.

Earlier last year, Pyongyang had announced preparation for testing and production of new ballistic missile warheads and the development of tactile nuclear weapons.

The expert delineated the production of fissile material, Maintenance of nuclear facilities, and up-gradation to ballistic missile infrastructure. It claims that North Korea continued to seek material and technology aids from across the world.

The authorities also investigated cases in which North Korea acquired ships, sold fishing rights, and continued to export coal violating all sanctions.

It is also purported that North Korea crossed its limit of the 500,000-barrel limit of refined petroleum import.

Experts say, “According to imagery, data and calculations received from a member state covering the period 1 January to 30 September, in 2020 these illicit shipments exceeded the annual aggregate 500,000-barrel cap by several times.”

However, China and Russia, North Korea’s main supporters, have rejected US claims, denying the import of illegal petroleum.