World: Argentina’s hockey team for junior women has achieved a 2-1 victory against the visiting side Hockey Team, i.e., the Indian Women’s Team, while during the previous games, the Indian women had secured respectively 2-2 and 1-1 against Argentina ‘B’.

For team India, the one and only goal-scorer throughout the match was young forward Salima Tete (54′), while team Argentina ‘B’ owned Agustina Gorzelany (57′) and Sol Pagella (11′). 

The Chief Coach of team India, Sjoerd Marjine, in a media address said – “Today we played against a stronger Argentina squad consisting of many of their senior players. This was a perfect practice match for us ahead of next week’s schedule where we play against the senior side”.

The coach further added – “Unfortunately, we conceded a PC goal minutes before the regulation time and this is what we need to manage better”. 

According to the coach, India started with a quiver against the home team attacking and playing tough from the very beginning. Team India received two successive PCs within a span of 6 minutes, while the goalkeeper of the visitor team, Rajani, saved the goals efficiently. Later, the sturdy home team was put ahead with a ferocious circle perforation followed by a well-timed strike by the home team’s Sol Pagella.