Today, on the birth anniversary of late actor Sushant Singh Rajput, his sister Shweta Singh Kirti took to her Twitter handle to share adorable pictures of her beloved brother and made a few announcements. Posting a collage of a few throwback pictures, Shweta captioned it – “Love you Bhai (heart emojis)… You are part of me and will always remain so… #SushantDay”.

In another tweet, she announced a scholarship program that was conducted to mark SSR’s 35th birth anniversary. She revealed that the Sushant Singh Rajput Memorial Fund in Physics, which was set up at the University of California, Berkeley, has already raised $35,000 for providing a scholarship to the aspiring students. “I am happy to announce that on the 35th Birthday of Bhai, a step has been taken towards fulfilling one of his dreams. The Sushant Singh Rajput Memorial Fund of $35,000 has been set up in UC Berkley. #SushantDay”, her tweet read.

In her next tweet, Shweta invited the students interested in pursuing Astrophysics’ to apply for this scholarship, writing – “Anyone interested in pursuing Astrophysics at UC Berkeley can apply for this fund. Grateful to the angels who made it possible. Happy Birthday, my little brother, I hope you always stay happy wherever you are! Love You #SushantDay”.

A host of television and Bollywood personalities have also taken to their social media handles to pay their tributes to SSR, including Ankita Lokhande, Rajkumar Rao, Directors Abhishek Kapoor, and Mukesh Chhabra.