Raipur: Since the implementation of nationwide lockdown, the capital city has witnessed a stiff increase in the numbers of beggars and vendors selling goods on the signals of the highways. Nowadays, a number of vendors are seen at every traffic signal in Raipur. Even the vendors who used to sell goods in trains have headed towards the city as the railways’ services were also ceased for months during the lockdown. 

The social welfare department is making schemes to rehabilitate the people by building shelter homes for them. Besides, vendors migrated from other states will be sent back. 

The Chief of the Social Welfare Department, Bhupendra Pandey, in an interview stated that – “Numbers of beggars have been begging at signals these days. We will rescue them very soon. A shelter home will be built for them. People engaged with begging will be rehabilitated so that they can quit begging soon. Lots of families in the state have been facing immense financial trouble since the implementation of lockdown, as they have run out of savings. Also, there are families where the members are reluctant to pay effort for earning money, which tends them to begging”. 

Pandey revealed that the Social Welfare Department will plan the steps within a month, and send a proposal to the state government. The district collector has ordered to plan and operate the schemes with the help of NGOs.