A 74-years old Gangaram has handled the traffic at Seelampur red light without salary for about 3 decades before the Delhi Traffic Police appointed him as a Traffic Sentinel officially in 2018. He reaches the red light every day by 9 AM and clears the traffic tirelessly till 10 in the night. 

His vigorous work started 32 years back, when he lost his only son in a road accident, followed by the death of his wife within a few days. Starting from that phase of his life, till now, the 74-year-old has been working for the welfare of people, so that no one else’s child becomes a victim of an accident. 

His noble work was recognized among people and police officials, and he also honors and medals from Delhi Police and several social organizations. He didn’t own a mobile phone, until the Delhi Traffic Police gifted him one, as a token of ‘thanks’ for his relentless service. In 2018, the Delhi Traffic Police appointed him officially as a Traffic Sentinel. Currently, he reaches for duty dressed in a traffic police uniform and receives a salary for a living.