Kolkata: Kartik Banerjee, real brother of the West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee, said lately in an interview that he wants an end of ‘dynasty politics’ in the state, in which the political leaders talk big about the betterment of the lives of the voters during their election campaigns, and once they win, they end up bettering the lives of their own families and relatives. 

On his statement, the media persons questioned him whether his comment was against his sister, the CM, on which he replied – “I am speaking out against hypocrisy in politics in general. Politics should be about people, bettering their lives. Those in public service should not forget what our saints advised. They should think of the people first, the family later”.

The media persons also asked if he is considering joining the BJP party, or if there is any offer from the centrally-leading party to fight for the upcoming elections. “I do not know what the future holds. When I have to make a statement, I will. I will not say anything until I want to”, answered the CM’s brother.

Notably, some significant Trinamool Congress leaders, including Suvendu Adhikari and Shilbhadra Dutta, have lately resigned from West Bengal’s leading party, Trinamool Congress, to join BJP, in presence of the Central Home Minister Amit Shah in West Bengal.