Bollywood actress Kangana Ranaut on Friday took to her Twitter handle to post a video message to speak about the ‘mental, emotional and physical torture’ she has been being subjected to, for the past few months.

In the video, a saree-clad Kangana has also raised a question to the Supreme Court, whether we are still living in the medieval age, where the women are subjected to be burnt alive on raising their voices against unfair things.

“Why am I being mentally, emotionally, and now physically tortured? I need answers from this nation… I stood for you, it’s time you stand for me… Jai Hind”, Ranaut captioned the video, where she mentioned that people have been constantly lambasting her since she has started talking about the welfare of the country and that her house was demolished.

“A lot of cases are being registered against me because I am talking about the welfare of farmers”, she stated, also mentioning that when her sister Rangoli raised her voice against the ill-treatment of the doctors during the beginning months of the pandemic, a case was filed against her.

But along with Rangoli, Kangana’s name was also added in the case, though she was not on Twitter at that time. “Our honorable Chief Justice rejected the case saying that the allegation does not make any sense”, asserted the actress.

Before finishing the video, she sought an answer from the Supreme Court asking whether we are living in the medieval ages where women are only subjected to torture and burnt alive on raising voice against misdeeds.