Mumbai: Rumors are on the air that the celebrated director Sanjay Leela Bhansali is getting ready with the script for his next project which is a historical drama. If everything goes accordingly, this will be Bhansali’s debut on an OTT platform.

The director is going to collaborate with his ‘Rasila Bhabhi’ from Ram Leela, actress Richa Chaddha. The actress was recently spotted outside Bhansali’s Juhu office, which reveals that the duo is in talks about the project. The project is probably going to be a web series produced under Bhansali’s own banner, Sanjay Leela Bhansali Films Pvt Ltd.

Reportedly, the director is going to keep his signature style intact for his upcoming project, like all of his theatre releases.

“It’s a period drama rooted in a chapter of Indian history, with Bhansali sir serving as the creator and showrunner Usually, tentpole projects are commissioned by streaming giants. But here, the filmmaker is said to be making it independently after which he will sell it to an OTT platform. The script is being developed while Bhansali sir zeroes in on the two male leads”, stated a reliable source, adding, “Richa, who is keen to portray the female lead, has yet to sign on the dotted line”.

Apart from the web series, the director is currently busy with his Gangubai Kathiwadi project, starring Alia Bhatt. The multi-crore web series project will probably get the camera rolling by the end of the year if the talks go accordingly.