World: Russia, from tomorrow onwards, is likely to suspend all the flights to and from the UK, for the next week. The Coronavirus Infection Response Center on Monday has declared the suspension of air service with the United Kingdom for the next week.

This decision by the Russian government came out after the UK Health Secretary Matt Hancock’s announcement on Sunday, in which he stated that the new COVID-19 strain that the medical experts of the country have traced, seems to be “out of control”.

According to the Coronavirus Infection Response Center, “The response center for novel coronavirus infection import and spread prevention made a decision to temporarily halt the air service with the United Kingdom in view of worsened epidemiological situation. “

“Restrictions will come into force from 00 hours 00 minutes of December 22, 2020, and will be in effect for a week. The response center is thoroughly examining the situation with the appearance of a new coronavirus strain in the United Kingdom. Further decisions will be taken after completion of its review,” added further.