New Delhi: According to a survey by transparency international, a global city organization reported that India emerged in the top position in the corruption rate in Asia. India has emerged as having the highest bribery rate of 39 percent in the Asian region and the highest rate of people (46 percent) who used personal connections to provide public services.

“Nearly 50% of those who paid bribes were asked to, while 32% of those who used personal connections said they would not receive the service otherwise”, as written in the report.

The title of the survey report ‘Global Corruption Barometer- Asia’, Transparency International surveyed that more than 20,000 people across 17 Asian Countries had experienced corruption in the past 12months nearly between June and September this year.

“Of the people surveyed in India, who came into contact with the police, 42% had paid bribes. The use of bribes was also rampant (41%) to obtain official documents such as identity papers. Use of personal connections was also largely made in dealings with the police (39%), procurement of identity documents (42%), and relation to courts (38%)”, the report stated.