Mumbai: After it was uncovered that the AIIMS Medical board on Actor Sushant Singh Rajput’s demise has concluded that it was suicide and not murder in its report to the CBI, the Mumbai police said today what it had consistently known had been reaffirmed. ‘We always knew what the reality was’, Mumbai police chief Param Vir Singh told. 

In the ongoing investigation, On Saturday,  AIIMS board has told the CBI there is no proof the 34-year-old famous actor was killed, which precludes hypotheses of harming and choking glided by his family and their attorney. 

Sushant Singh Rajput was found dead on June 14 in his Mumbai flat. The Mumbai police, in view of the post-mortem, had been researching it as a suicide. Yet, claims from Sushant Singh Rajput’s family and theory via web-based media and channels brought up issues that turned into an aspect of a CBI examination. 

Sushant Singh Rajput’s family legal advisor Vikas Singh had blamed the Mumbai police for disregarding indispensable parts of information that pointed at injustice and furthermore of messing up the crime scene and the viscera report. 

We have consistently kept up that our own was an expert examination. The posthumous was led expertly. At the point when the Supreme Court requested that we present our report, we had. The court had discovered no flaw when it got our private report, Param Vir Singh said. 

We found from news channels that it was a consistent finding that it was suicide and not murder. Truth consistently wins. It has a terrible method of coming out. 

The Mumbai police chief included that there was “no doubt of alleviation” saying, we worked with respectability and we were never worried about our investigation. 

Inquired as to why no abetment of suicide case was sought after by the Mumbai police, Mr Singh answered that the examination was given over to the CBI before it could get to the stage. We were examining an unintentional demise report, which we halted when the CBI dominated. We didn’t need our investigation to conflict with that of another expert organization, said the Mumbai top cop.