Bollywood: Actor Deepika Padukone and husband Ranveer Singh flew back to Mumbai from Goa in the midst of a media craze, confusion and flashlights taping everything they might do. The actor has been brought by the Narcotics Control Bureau (NCB) alongside other A-listers from Bollywood in the drugs case identified with the investigation of late actor Sushant Singh Rajput’s suicide. 

Deepika’s name emerged after her 2017 WhatsApp talks with manager Karishma Prakash were recovered where the actor is allegedly observed requesting hash. Not long after that, visits of Jaya Saha, a worker of KWAN talent management agency also surfaced. She was probed and later confessed to having arranged CBD oil for Shraddha Kapoor, Madhu Mantena and a couple of others. 

The NCB noose has fixed on these celebs and more names are relied upon to turn out in the drugs intrigue. Deepika Padukone will be questioned by the government organization on September 26, 2020 (Saturday). 

As per sources, Ranveer has officially inquired as to whether he can go with his wife during her test. Ranveer in his application has expressed that since Deepika at times suffers anxiety issues and gets panic attacks, would he be able to be allowed to be present with her. The actor has stated that he is a ‘law-abiding citizen’ and knows that he cannot be present at the time of Deepika Padukone’s questioning but is understood to have requested that he be allowed inside the NCB office, sources confirmed.

On September 26, other than Deepika, Sara Ali Khan and Shraddha Kapoor are additionally expected to be questioned by the government office.