Lahore: On Monday, Pakistan’s Prime Minister Imran Khan called for public execution or chemical castration for the convicted rapists. This comes after an inquiry on the rape of a woman on a highway a week ago that has created scene in the South Asian country.

Authorities reported arrested a second man in connection with the rape of a woman on a popular highway in Punjab province last week.

In a horrific event, A week ago, a mother of two driving along  a highway attached to Lahore was hauled out of her vehicle and assaulted by two men at gunpoint – one of whom was arrested by police on Monday.

Khan said he believed the culprits ought to be hanged openly yet included that authorities had informed him that such a demonstration could jeopardize a particular trade status given to Pakistan by the European Union (EU). 

The EU’s Generalized System of Preferences (GSP-in addition to) status, conceded to Pakistan in 2014, is dependent upon perception of global shows, such as human rights. 

However, Khan said he was also investigating the alternative of chemical castration instead. 

Khan said in a meeting on a Pakistan news channel, the route there is first degree, second degree, third degree murder, this [rape] ought to be evaluated similarly, and when there is first degree [rape], emasculate them. Work on them and make them unfit to do this. 

Khan’s comments came as Pakistani authorities reported that one of the two main suspects in the motorway rape case had been arrested and had admitted to the crime. Authorities said they also had a positive DNA coordinate. The quest for the subsequent suspect is yet progressing. 

Police recovered DNA tests from the site and utilized GPS information from phone networks to recognize people who were at the site when the assault happened.

The shocking attack started cross country protests and requires the abdication of authorities just as the public hanging of rapists in Pakistan.