New Delhi: The Ministry of Health and Family Welfare released a standard operating protocol (SOP) to be followed while conducting exams amid the coronavirus pandemic. Along with detailed general preventive public health measures to be observed by all those who head to the examination centres, including staff, students and parents, the government also outlined the arrangements to be ensured by universities, educational institutions and conducting authorities.

Conventional preventive measures 

The generic measures incorporate basic public health measures estimates that are to be followed to diminish the danger of COVID-19. These measures should be seen by all (staff, students and guardians) in these spots consistently. 

  • Physical distancing of at least 6 feet to be followed similar to possible. 
  • Use of face covers/masks to be made compulsory. 
  • Practice incessant hand washing with cleanser (for at any rate 40-60 seconds) in any event, when hands are not noticeably grimy. Utilization of liquor-based hand sanitizers (for at any rate 20 seconds) can be made any place plausible. 
  • Respiratory decorum to be carefully followed. This includes the exact act of covering one’s mouth and nose while hacking/wheezing with a tissue/cloth/flexed elbow and arranging off utilized tissues appropriately. 
  • Self-observing of wellbeing by all and announcing any ailment at the soonest. 
  • Spitting will be strictly denied. 
  • Establishment and utilization of Aarogya Setu App will be encouraged to all, to the extent attainable.

Planning of examinations 

  • Just those examination centres which are outside the containment zone will be permitted to function. Staff/examinees from containment zones will not be allowed. Such examinees will be allowed a chance to attempt the examination through different methods or the Universities/Educational Institution will organize taking tests sometime in the future for such students. 
  • Colleges/Educational Institutions/Examination Conducting Authorities/Examination focuses may design the examination plan in a staggered manner in order to abstain from congestion at any examination place on quickly. 
  • Keeping in view the physical distancing norms, Institutions ought to have sufficient room ability to guarantee legitimate guest plan for examination. 
  • Appropriate arrangements for personal protection gears like face covers/masks, and other logistic like hand sanitizers, soap, sodium hypochlorite solution etc. shall be made available by Universities/ Educational Institutions/Examination Conducting Authorities/Examination centers to the staff as well as students as per requirements. 
  • Exam functionary and examinees may also submit self-declaration about health status at the time of entrance to the examination center. Such self-declaration form may be circulated at the time of issue of admit tickets. A simple do’s and dont’s/ Advisory may also be circulated at the time of issue of admit tickets.
  • Students ought to be given prior information on what they should carry, which incorporates exam related documents (Admit card, ID card and so on), face mask, water bottle, hand sanitizer and so forth. 
  • Adequate manpower shall be deployed by the Institution for maintaining discipline (to ensure observance to distancing norms and other preventive measures at all times) during conduct of the examination.
  • Invigilators and administrative staff should be informed on the set of accepted rules with regards to COVID. 
  • Provisions must be made for show of Posters/standees/AV media on preventive measures about COVID-19 noticeably at the examination community (outside and inside). 

Entry and exit to the examination center

Entrances to have required hand cleanliness and warm screening provisions. On the off chance that any examination functionary/examinee neglects to meet the self-affirmation standards, they will not be permitted entry. 

  • Just asymptomatic staff and students will be permitted inside the examination hall. 
  • In customary courses, an indicative competitor ought to be alluded to by the closest wellbeing community and allowed a chance to embrace the examination through different methods or the Universities/Educational Institution will orchestrate taking tests sometime in the not too distant future when the student is announced physically fit. 
  • In any case, if a student is found to be suggestive and insists giving the examination, he might be permitted to take the examination by moving the contender to a different separation room. The consent in such cases will be conceded according to the arrangement previously articulated on the issue by the Examination Conducting Authorities. 
  • All staff and students to be permitted section just if utilizing face spread/veils. The face spread/cover must be worn consistently inside the examination center by all. 
  • Enough entry and exit gates for students and staff will be ensured to abstain from congestion. 
  • Keeping up physical separation of at least 6 feet, when lining up for section and inside the middle similar to possible. 
  • Explicit markings might be made with adequate separation to deal with the line and guarantee social removing in the premises. 
  • Appropriate group the executives in the assessment place just as outside premises like parking garages, holding up territories — properly following physical removing standards will be guaranteed. 
  • Bags/books/mobiles ought not be permitted in the examination center. 
  • The examines will be taken to an enlistment room in clumps keeping up satisfactory physical separating standards for report check and recording of participation. From that point they will be accompanied in bunches to the assigned examination hall. 
  • Searching for examinations, if necessary, will be attempted after warm screening. Staff associated with searching will wear triple layer clinical cover notwithstanding gloves. Legitimate hand cleanliness will be kept up by such staff each time they change their gloves. 
  • On fruition of test, the competitors ought to be allowed to move out in an organized way 

For air-conditioning/ventilation 

The rules of CPWD will be followed which emphasize that the 

  • Temperature setting of all air conditioning ought to be in the scope of 24-30°C, 
  • Relative humidity ought to be in the scope of 40-70%, 
  • Re-dissemination of air to be stayed away from to the extent conceivable, 
  • Admission of natural air ought to be however much as could reasonably be expected 
  • cross ventilation ought to be satisfactory. Disinfection and Hygiene