The Hindi comedy-drama, Dream Girl 2, directed by Raaj Shaandilya had a fantastic opening weekend, earning a total of Rs 40.71 crores in its three days. This impressive box office performance included Rs 10.69 crore on Friday, Rs 14.02 crore on Saturday, and Rs 16 crore on Sunday, reflecting the movie’s appeal to audiences.

As the week went on, Dream Girl 2 continued to hold its ground at the box office, bringing in Rs 5.42 crores on Monday, followed by Rs 5.87 crores on Tuesday and Rs 7.50 crores on Wednesday. On Thursday, the film attracted viewers. Added Rs 6.35 crores to its domestic box office collection. This brought the film’s one-week earnings to Rs 65.85 crores.

Produced by Balaji Motion Pictures, Dream Girl 2 serves as a sequel to the hit film from 2019, where Ayushmann Khurrana portrayed a call center employee with the unique talent of speaking like a woman. In this sequel, Ayushmann reprises his role as Pooja while indulging in cross-dressing for gain.

Dream Girl 2 has made an impact in theaters during its 16 days, raking in an impressive total of around 97.97 crores as net earnings in India. This success reaffirms the film’s status as a popular movie that has truly connected with the audience.