Korean leader Kim Jong Un celebrated the anniversary of North Korea’s establishment with a midnight parade held in Kim Il Sung Square in Pyongyang. According to the state-run News Agency, the event featured forces from Pyongyang’s capital city. However, it is worth noting that advanced-produced weaponry, including ballistic missiles, was not displayed during the parade.

Photos published by state media showed brigades riding tractors or travelling in large red trucks. Kim Jong Un, accompanied by his daughter, watched the parade joyfully as he clapped and smiled. Unlike on occasions, Kim did not deliver a speech during the event.

South Korea’s News Agency emphasized that the Worker Peasant Red Guards led most of the parade. This civil defence organization is reported to have around 5.7 million members.

In addition to the anniversary celebrations, Kim Jong Un held discussions with a visiting delegation headed by Liu Guozhong, vice premier of the State Council. This visit marked the time senior Chinese officials travelled to North Korea within six weeks. Russian diplomats also participated in the festivities. They were joined by a military song and dance ensemble specially sent to Pyongyang for this occasion.

It has been reported that Kim Jong Un held discussions with Liu and other Chinese representatives, focusing on strengthening cooperation and coordination between North Korea and China. The presence of diplomats and cultural performers highlighted the significance of North Korea’s efforts with its neighbouring countries during this important event.