Raipur: To celebrate Teacher’s Day, a prestigious state-level teacher recognition event took place in the esteemed Durbar Hall of Raj Bhavan, graciously hosted by Chhattisgarh Governor Vishwabhushan Harichandan. The event, held on this special occasion, saw 52 distinguished teachers being lauded for their remarkable contributions. Among these educators, 48 were bestowed with the esteemed State Teacher Award, while an additional 4 received the distinguished Memorial Award, named in honor of illustrious literary figures from the state.
Leading the ceremony was Chief Minister Bhupesh Baghel, who presided over the proceedings with great honor. The event was further graced by the presence of School Education Minister Ravindra Choubey as a distinguished guest, while Parliamentary Secretary Dwarkadhish Yadav also attended the event as a special guest.
Later, Chief Minister Bhupesh Baghel even tweeted on X, regarding the appreciations of the Teacher’s and their importance in our lives.
This grand celebration served as a fitting tribute to the dedicated educators who play a pivotal role in shaping the future of the state through their commitment and excellence in the field of education. The State Teacher Award and Memorial Award recognize their invaluable contributions to Chhattisgarh’s educational landscape, underscoring the importance of their work in nurturing young minds and fostering knowledge.