New Delhi: The Congress party expressed their concerns on Tuesday regarding a reported change in protocol at the Rashtrapati Bhavan. It is said that invitations for a G20 dinner referred to the head of state as the ‘President of Bharat’ instead of the usual ‘President of India’. Jairam Ramesh, a Congress leader, sarcastically remarked on this alteration, suggesting that it might require an amendment to Article 1 of the Indian Constitution to reflect the use of ‘Bharat’ instead of ‘India’.
Ramesh took to the media to share his reservations about this issue. He stated, “It appears that the news is true. The Rashtrapati Bhavan has invited for a G20 dinner scheduled for September 9th, referring to the head of state as the ‘President of Bharat’ or ‘President of India’. This might lead to a revision in Article 1 of the Constitution; ‘Bharat, once known as India, shall now be recognized as a Union of States.'” Ramesh shared his thoughts on platform X, which succeeded Twitter.
This development has sparked discussions among analysts and citizens contemplating the implications of such a change in official communications.
There are differing opinions on this matter. Some believe it recognizes the country’s standing heritage. Concerns about it could lead to changes that impact the nation’s diverse and secular identity. Only time will tell how this situation develops, including discussions about its cultural implications.