In the year 2023, Bollywood witnessed the success of ‘Gadar 2’ emerging as one of its grossing films. It was directed by Anil Sharma. Featured a stellar cast, including Sunny Deol, Ameesha Patel, Utkarsh Sharma, Simran Kaur, and Manish Wadhwa in key roles. Since its release in theaters on August 11th, it has been a sensation at the box office. However, recent earnings indicate a decline in its momentum. The ultimate aim of the film is to surpass the Rs 500 crore mark.
‘Gadar 2’ is an action drama that delves into the relationship between India and Pakistan. It has made an impression on moviegoers, with its earnings surpassing those of blockbusters like Dangal, Bahubalis Hindi version, and others. Notably, it even surpassed Shah Rukh Khan ‘Pathan’ in terms of earnings. For instance, ‘Gadar 2’ earned 21.8 crores on its opening day while ‘Pathan’ accumulated 5.6 crores on its 21st day.
However, there might be changes coming soon in Bollywood’s landscape as Shah Rukh Khan’s anticipated film ‘Jawan’ is set to release in one week. Early indications from advance bookings suggest that it might overshadow Sunny Deols ‘Gadar 2’.
The released trailer of ‘Jawan’, which was launched on August 31, has received acclaim from both critics and the audience. Being hailed as a thrilling drama filled with action, its strong start could potentially translate into box-office collections on its opening day. At present, ‘Gadar 2’ is steadily approaching the milestone of earning 500 crore.