Sriharikota: The Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) on Tuesday said that the Pragyan rover’s Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscope (LIBS) has confirmed the presence of sulphur in the lunar surface near the south pole.

The LIBS instrument uses a laser to vaporize a small amount of material, and then analyzes the resulting light to identify the elements present. The presence of sulphur was detected in the rocks and soil near the rover’s landing site.

Sulphur is a relatively rare element on the Moon, and its presence in the lunar south pole is significant because it could be a sign of the presence of water ice. Sulphur is known to bond with water, and its presence in the lunar soil could indicate that there is water ice buried beneath the surface.

The discovery of sulphur is a major milestone for the Chandrayaan-3 mission, and it could help scientists to better understand the history and evolution of the Moon. The Pragyan rover is still in its early stages of exploration, and it is expected to continue to make new discoveries in the coming months.

The presence of sulphur on the Moon is also interesting because it could have implications for the search for life on the lunar surface. Sulphur is an essential element for life, and its presence could suggest that there may be the potential for life to exist on the Moon.

The ISRO is currently planning a follow-up mission to the Moon, and the discovery of sulphur could help to guide the selection of landing sites for future missions. The presence of sulphur could also be used to develop new technologies for extracting water from the lunar soil.