Muzaffarnagar– Police have taken action against a teacher caught on video instructing her students to harm a second grader for failing to complete his homework. This incident, which occurred at a school in Khubbapur village, has sparked outrage among leaders.

While defending her actions, the teacher acknowledged that ordering the students to attack their classmates was inappropriate. She cited her disability as the reason why she did not intervene directly. The police initiated proceedings against the teacher, identified as Tyagi, following a complaint filed by the boy’s family. The specific charges against her have not yet been disclosed.

Rahul Gandhi, a leader of the Congress party, criticized the incident. Highlighted how instilling prejudice in young minds can be detrimental to the nation. He held the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) for promoting division and hatred nationwide. “Children are Indias future and it is our responsibility to teach them about unity and compassion “, he remarked.

Shubham Shukla, the Basic Shiksha Adhikari of Muzaffarnagar, announced that legal consequences would also be faced by those managing the school. A team has been dispatched to investigate this matter with measures expected.

The Samajwadi Party (SP) accused the BJP and RSS of engaging in politics and contributing to incidents. SP leader Akhilesh Yadav has called for the teacher to be promptly fired, expressing disapproval of her actions. Jayant Chaudhary, the president of Rashtriya Lok Dal, has personally contacted the boy’s father. Assured him that justice will be served.