Sriharikota: The Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) deleted its latest post on Twitter wherein it released pictures of Chandrayaan-3 lander taken by Chandrayaan-2’s Orbiter minutes after posting it.

The post, which was shared at 10:30 AM IST, showed two images of the lander, one taken from a distance and the other a close-up. The caption of the post said, “Here are the first images of Chandrayaan-3 lander taken by Chandrayaan-2’s Orbiter.”

However, the post was deleted within minutes, and ISRO has not yet given any explanation for the deletion.

Some people have speculated that the images may have been released prematurely, or that they may have been of poor quality. Others have suggested that the deletion may have been due to a technical glitch.

Whatever the reason, the deletion of the post has raised some questions about ISRO’s communication practices. The space agency has a history of being transparent with the public about its missions, and the sudden deletion of the post has been seen by some as a departure from this practice.

ISRO has not yet commented on the matter, but it is expected to issue a statement soon.

In the meantime, the deletion of the post has left many people wondering what happened to the images of Chandrayaan-3 lander.

Whatever the reason, the deletion of the post has been met with some criticism. Some people have accused ISRO of being secretive and of not being transparent with the public. Others have defended ISRO, saying that it is important to be careful when releasing sensitive information.